Research shows that aviation industry currently contributes $10 billion of Africa’s GDP, with the industry forecasted to support five million jobs in the region in the next 20 years.
“Of the six million jobs that would be lost if aviation grows by one percent below the current trend, two million would be lost in Asia-Pacific, 1.5 million each in Europe and North America, 400-500 thousand each in Africa and Latin America and over 200,000 in the Middle East. Aviation provides significant additional economic benefits by encouraging trade and international investment”, the report added.
It further stated that substantial employment and economic activity is generated by small businesses and agricultural smallholders in the developing world that are dependent on aviation, disclosing that for every $100 million invested in aerospace R&D, an additional $70 million of GDP is generated year-after-year.
The more deeply our analysis went on the future market growth in regions around the world, the more we understood the central role it played and the opportunity it offers for the Nigerian and African economy as a whole. The growth of many business sectors in the developed and developing nations and of many different industries, has for some time been intertwined with the growth of aviation itself. It does appear that global economic growth is directly correlated with and dependent on sustainable growth in aviation. This phenomenon is in clear alignment with Copterjet business vision, which is to support the growth and development of aviation businesses in Nigeria and across the African continent.
In conclusion, global travel by air is more accessible to more of the earth’s population than at any other time in history. Over 2.5 billion passengers and approximately 50 million tons of freight are flown worldwide yearly.